Latchkey (SACC)
Enter Title
The Parent Receipt of Information form must be completed prior to starting the application. You will need to upload it at the end of the application in order to submit it.
Welcome parents, guardians, and students to Millville Public School's School Age Child Care Program.
An application MUST be completed per child each school year
Latchkey Office Hours 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
The Latchkey Office is now located at Lakeside Middle School. By appointment only.
🛒 Latchkey Payments 🛒
- You can mail a check payment or drop one off at the Lakeside Middle School Main Entrance. Please make checks payable to: Millville Continuing Education (make sure your child’s name is in the memo line of the check).
- Credit Card payments are not able to be made in person. All Credit Card/Debit Card payments must be made online through the ProCare website/app (convenience fee)
- Rutgers Paperwork can be emailed or dropped off at the Lakeside Middle School Main Office - Please contact our office to schedule an appointment. - Joyce Wozunk handles all Rutgers forms.
- Unfortunately, we are unable to provide refunds for changes mid-month. Please report changes to schedule in advance before paying invoices so they can be updated.
School Closure Information
- 2-hour delay - No AM Latchkey
- Scheduled Early Dismissal Days - PM Latchkey will be provided (with the exception of days before a holiday break and last day of school)
- Unscheduled Early Dismissal Days - PM Latchkey Closed
- Please review the yearly calendar for scheduled school closures and early dismissal days
Rutgers Attendance Information
- Rutgers is continuing with enrollment-based payments through 2023 (Changes could be announced in 2024)
- We are required to submit monthly attendance reports on all Rutgers students
- If your child misses 5 consecutive days/or has poor monthly attendance we are required to report that to Rutgers
- Once reported Rutgers could drop your contract with us as a provider (You would then be responsible for payment or be dropped from our Latchkey program)
Please visit their website for additional information
2024-2025 Latchkey Applications
Parent Receipt of Information - MUST be completed and uploaded onto the application - PDF at top of pageLAKESIDE AM ONLY - NO PM Latchkey services
Application Process
- 1st Email - Application Received (allow 5-6 business days for review)
- 2nd Email - Application reviewed, pending payment for enrollment (5 business days to make 1st-month payment or dropped and need to reapply)
- 3rd Email - Enrollment Confirmed
In the event of sites filling up, you will be placed on a waitlist until there is an opening at the site you requested
☎ 856-327-7584